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How to make a great pour-over at home.
The Pour Over is perfect for those who appreciate precision and control in their coffee brewing. It’s a craft worth mastering, where patience is key—slow, steady pouring makes all the difference. In just 3 to 4 minutes, you’ll have a perfectly brewed 10oz cup.

What you need
Water Amount
Coffee Amount
Grind size: Medium
Brew Time : 03:30''
The Recipe

step 1.
Dose and grind 18g coffee.

step 2.
Rinse filter thoroughly.

step 3.
Bloom with 60g of hot water and wait 30 seconds.

step 4.
Add another 60g of coffee after the coffee has bloomed for 30 seconds.

step 5.
Add another 60g of hot water as the previous pour just finishes draining through the coffee.

step 6.
Add the final 60g of hot water as the previous pour just finishes draining through the coffee.

step 7.
Gently stir and enjoy.
(The full process should finish in around 3 1/2 - 4 min.)